Friday, October 19, 2007

As much as I hate to do it ...

I again feel the need to respond to someone posting anonymous comments to this blog.

While I welcome disagreement with my opinions on the issues, and factual challenges to the things I write (which is why I have never censored or failed to publish a comment on this blog), I do take issue with attacks of a personal nature or attempts to silence those with whom you disagree.

An anonymous poster is currently taking me to task for using the term "hand-picked" when referring to Board's recent creation of a "Task Force" to explore "tweaks" or alternatives to Dennis Whitling's "Big Plan" for merging CES and HES. This person feels that I am not giving due respect to the parents and teachers who "VOLUNTEERED" to serve on the group. I welcome the comments on this matter, and would have happily engaged him/her in a discussion had they not posted the comments anonymously.

However, there is one long-running element to his/her posts that I now feel crosses the line.

Since July this anonymous poster has repeatedly called upon me (and other merger opponents) to remove my child from the public school system rather than point out what I see to be glaring problems in need of addressing. To see examples what is becoming and increasingly frequent call, start here, then go here, then here (toward the very end), and finally here.

I can only refer to this as the "love it or leave it" strategy for silencing a person with whom one disagrees. It is no different than the labeling of civil dissenters of the war in Iraq as "traitors" or "unpatriotic" and suggesting that they leave the country rather than voice their opinions. Such rhetoric has no place in a free society such as the US or in Orange County.

Rather than debating the issue at hand in a civil reasoned way, this person assumes that if I were to send my children to a charter school or home school them, I would leave the workings of the Orange County Schools to more enlightened people, like him/herself.

Of course, the poster is wrong. As long as my recently paid tax dollars are used to fund the Orange County Schools, I will continue to voice an opinion about things with which I disagree. This will be the case regardless of where, or how, my children are educated. It is my right.

That said, if you would now like to have a civil discussion of why I still feel the "Task Force" was "hand-picked" by the Board, maybe we can move forward.


Anonymous said...

I think the anonymous poster needs to exercise their right not to view this blog since it obviously upsets them so much!

Anonymous said...

This anonymous poster has got some self-esteem issues. Obviously he/she does not think their child is worth fighting for.

Anonymous said...

I think this person is about as clueless as it gets in Orange County. If he/she thinks that status quo is fine - think again.

Maybe THIS PERSON should home school and clear the way for us to research how to improve our schools with the FRL stats that we have in our district. I think it can be done, unfortunately, the BOE has wasted 8 full months with an idiotic plan that NO ONE wanted. Had the BOE spent the last 8 months working with parents instead of against parents, maybe we would have a plan that could be implemented in 08-09.

I too am a tax payer and I have every right in the world to hold the BOE's proverbial feet to the fire. Status quo is NOT acceptable in the least and I marvel at those who think it is.

As the saying goes, Lead, Follow or get out of the way.

Lastly, instead of asking the parents who are working on this effort how things are going, why don't all of you attend a meeting for a change! Regardless of how you feel about the merger, get involved for crying out loud.

Anonymous said...

AAHHHH...the smell of roasting...This blog is not about personal attacks?

I choose to remain "anonymous" for several reasons - and I am not the author of all of those comments you linked to your column. Perhaps more than one person shares that sentiment. And I have made other posts that are not linked to your column. You've made your point - you have every right to degrade teachers, parents of other students, and anyone who does not share your view. People who disagree with you are just wrong. And the comments added to it - self-esteem issues and clueless - yep - again - so much for avoiding personal attacks. So much for open discourse.

My hope is that one day you - and many others - will realize that there are much more beneficial ways to help the students of Orange County and the schools than by constantly making degrading comments. As I have stated before, the school system is not perfect. There are things that need to be changed - Oh, but you did not/could not link to those posts. But could you please notice the positive aspects? PLEASE???? There are many.

Your column still did not address the inaccuracy of the "hand-picked" statement in your heading. Perhaps you were too busy being offended.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous October 22, 2007 7:19 AM:

Life is too short to be bitter. I'm not sure why you are picking on Allan. The man has done more for Orange County Schools than you give him credit for. He also offers praise, not just criticism.

Bitterness will eat you up unless you are willing to make an important sacrifice: listen.

Anonymous said...

Oh - now since I disagee with some of Mr. Scott's points, I not only am said to have self-esteem issues and am clueless, I am bitter. Again, so much for intelligent discourse and avoiding personal attacks. And I do listen - a great deal. I do attend meetings - so I can see and hear first hand what is said and by whom. And I read this blog to gather a variety of opinions. According to the comments, I should not read this blog because I disagree with Mr. Scott's opinion at times - and express that disagreement. Double standard?

And again...What about the "hand-picked" comment?

Anonymous said...

No, you are wrong--- I said since it upsets you so much, maybe you should look elsewhere for the opinions that you seek!

It was not my post- but you do seem bitter and no, it was not the fact that you disagreed with Allan-rather it seems that you disagree with everyone that does not agree with you!

I do think you should exercise your right to not view this site. Not being mean, but you do seem a bit angry.

Anonymous said...

The anonymous of October 23, 2007 6:35 AM and of October 22, 2007 7:19 AM is not only bitter, but somewhat of a hypocrite. While we can't say anything critical, they sure can.

Please consider the poor message you are giving to our children. I'm not sure if you are a parent (probably not), but kids imitate what they hear. If you are a parent, please consult with your local guidance counselor about some strategies you can implement in your daily life.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous October 23, 2007 3:25 PM,

Don't even respond to this bitter person. The only thing you are doing is encouraging is the spread of idiocy.