Monday, March 31, 2008

Funny how things happen

I will never cease to be amazed by how ironic life can be.

It has been a while since I wrote something here, and was trying to think of something to write about last week when what should be delivered to my door (or more accurately my driveway) but a "complementary" day-old copy of The News of Orange County.

In an ideal world, this would have been an attempt by my hometown paper to keep me informed about local events, but the this was clearly an effort by The News to solicit me as a paying subscriber. The enclosed flier tried to attract me with promises of "fresh news with a personal connection to the community" and a "special rate" of "Only $38" for two years. (I'm not sure a day-old paper really screams "fresh news.")

Because I would rather have dead electrons in my computer than dead trees in my driveway, I don't subscribe to any physical newspapers. However, if I did, the News of Orange County would probably be my last choice.

Under the current editor, Casey Ferrell, I have found the paper to be significantly lacking in both objectivity and journalistic quality. I was able to look at the "complementary copy" left in my driveway last Thursday to find examples of both deficiencies.

One need go no farther than the lead article. It is telling that the only article initiated "above the fold" was not written by either of the paper's two reporters/editors. It was, in essence, a glorified press release by the Orange County Commissioners which the paper's editorial staff elevated to the status of "fresh news."

But, in a wave of irony, this week is not without truly fresh news. I received the following message this morning:

To all,

I'll be leaving The News of Orange County. My last day will be May 8.

Sorry for the mass email (and given the number of addresses this is being sent to, some may not receive it due to spam filters). Some of you I know personally and well, as friends and acquaintances, and still others I know as working contacts and sources. I wanted to give you all the courtesy of knowing that I will be leaving the newspaper and moving on. I thank each of you for your time, for your cooperation and for the role you played in helping me put out a successful newspaper for nearly two years.

Warmest regards and best wishes,

Casey Ferrell
The News of Orange County

I can't say I am sorry to see Casey go. Maybe now my hometown paper can begin to rebuild its credibility in the community.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I cordially accept

Earlier today I received the invitation below and was asked to post it to my blog so that everyone could be invited. I am happy to do it because I enthusiastically support both candidates it will benefit:

You are cordially invited to a Fundraising Gala

April 8, 2008
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Kelsey's at Occoneechee
378 S. Churton Street, Hillsborough, NC

Come meet two HES parents who are running for Orange County Board of Education:

Al Hartkopf and Jeff Michalski

Enjoy free refreshments and music!

There will be wonderful items available to bid on in a silent auction.

Please R.S.V.P. by April 1, 2008
Contact Leslie Peregoy at 304-4209 or

Are you registered?

The fight for the long-term survival of year-round education in Orange County, and for a return to school board accountability to the voters of Orange County, is ultimately going to rest with the people we elect on May 6th.

The only way to rein in the current arrogant, out-of-control Board is to elect reasonable people in this May's "primary" election.

The people we elect in May, will serve on the Board for the next four years, and will have the power to immediately reverse every unconstitutional, discriminatory and divisive policy forced upon the parents of Orange County by indicted felon Dennis Whitling, Ted Triebel, and Liz Brown.

As such I have an important question:

Are you registered to vote in Orange County?

How about your child's grandparents? Adult siblings? Aunts and uncles? Cousins? Neighbors? Friends of the family?

If you aren't sure, you can check anyone's voter registration status through this link.

If anyone you know is not registered, they have until April 11th to register. Registration information is available here.

If they miss that deadline, they can still vote by visiting a "One Stop Absentee Voting" site before May 3. Information about one stop voting is here.

It is critical that we turn out as many votes as possible on May 6th.

If you need a clear illustration of the importance of each vote, note that in 2004, a shift of only 30 votes would have kept Dennis Whitling off the Board and saved Orange County a shocking embarrassment in 2008. Every vote counts - especially this year!

Register to vote, speak to your friends and family, donate your time and money to reasonable candidates, and, most of all, VOTE!

Act like your child's future depends on it, because IT DOES!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Another Attention Orange Meeting

Attention Orange has asked me to post the following message:

Hi all,

Attention Orange has planned a third meeting on Wednesday, March 12th at 7pm at the Orange County Public Library in Hillsborough.

It is most important that all who can attend - do attend. Not only do we plan on updating everyone on our latest efforts, but we also have a very specific plan of action we would like to discuss and implement.

See you then!

Attention Orange

Am I the only one who didn't get the joke?

Although it bills itself as "America's Finest News Source," I must admit it's been a number of years since I regularly read The Onion.

Since finishing my undergrad degree at UNC, I have been a little too preoccupied with work and raising a family (and most recently working on my Master's) to spend much time immersed in thinly veiled parody.

But, much to my surprise, I just discovered that I have apparently been reading elaborate parodies for the past year or so. At least that is how long I have been aware that the News of Orange existed.

After all, how else but as parody can you explain this quote from News of Orange Editor Casey Ferrell in a thoroughly self-serving article touting his own "accomplishments" recently printed in Hillsborough's hometown paper?

"...our primary goal remains the same — to work as hard as we can to continue earning the respect of our readership."

That's a joke, right? It must be a joke; I laughed out loud when I read it. Someone, anyone, please tell me it's a joke!

For an added level of irony, look who's photo is featured prominently on the front page of the "winning" issue.

That is just too funny to be serious journalism.