Thursday, February 26, 2009

The embarrassment "continued"

I am sorry for not writing sooner about what happened with Ted Triebel's drunk driving case earlier this week, but I had a mid-term for my grad school program yesterday. I had hoped the press would cover this, but I guess that was too much to ask.

Until I have a chance to write more, here is an update:

Ted's case was "continued" until May 19th, apparently because the test results were not back from the SBI lab in time for court on Tuesday morning.

So, the embarrassment of having a school board member charged with drunk driving will continue for another three months.

Unless, of course, Ted does the honorable thing and resigns from the Board before he does any more damage to its reputation.


Vanessa Shortley said...

The press did cover it:

Anonymous said...

"Unless, of course, Ted does the honorable thing and resigns from the Board before he does any more damage to its reputation."

When you lose your honor, it's hard to do the honorable thing. Ted won't resign. Instead, he's just embarrassing his peers on the Board. You know the other Board members want him to resign, even his allies. But he won't because his ego and his arrogance won't let him.

Allan Scott said...

Vanessa, sorry about missing your blog post. I checked the paper on Wednesday, but still haven't gotten used to looking at the blog.

I also sat there an entire morning waiting for Ted's case to be called.

Maybe next time we can sit together, at least the apparently random times when nothing happens would go more quickly with someone to talk to.


Vanessa Shortley said...

That would be nice. Sitting in court all morning can definitely get tedious.

Anonymous said...

Ted's drinking habits need to be monitored by the School Board. What happens if Ted decides to drink too much again, gets behind the wheel, and kills someone? What if it's an Orange County School child?

If it happens once, it can happen again. Drinking and driving doesn't mix. Ted needs to show some remorse for his actions instead of his arrogant, pompous response to questions from the media. The media understands that Ted is a hypocrite. Ted liked to use the media when he was trying to close HES, but now the media is the enemy since he was charged with a DWI. Ted wants it both ways, but he can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

I hope Ted gets a woman judge to hear his case. He doesn't respect women, especially women who are intelligent. He better keep his mouth shut at his court date or he might be in for a rude awakening!

Anonymous said...

Has Dennis Whitling paid full restitution for the money he "borrowed" from his former employer? Is there anyway to find out?

Keep the heat up on Ted. We need to make sure he is held accountable for his actions. Drinking and driving can be a deadly combination.