Monday, March 31, 2008

Funny how things happen

I will never cease to be amazed by how ironic life can be.

It has been a while since I wrote something here, and was trying to think of something to write about last week when what should be delivered to my door (or more accurately my driveway) but a "complementary" day-old copy of The News of Orange County.

In an ideal world, this would have been an attempt by my hometown paper to keep me informed about local events, but the this was clearly an effort by The News to solicit me as a paying subscriber. The enclosed flier tried to attract me with promises of "fresh news with a personal connection to the community" and a "special rate" of "Only $38" for two years. (I'm not sure a day-old paper really screams "fresh news.")

Because I would rather have dead electrons in my computer than dead trees in my driveway, I don't subscribe to any physical newspapers. However, if I did, the News of Orange County would probably be my last choice.

Under the current editor, Casey Ferrell, I have found the paper to be significantly lacking in both objectivity and journalistic quality. I was able to look at the "complementary copy" left in my driveway last Thursday to find examples of both deficiencies.

One need go no farther than the lead article. It is telling that the only article initiated "above the fold" was not written by either of the paper's two reporters/editors. It was, in essence, a glorified press release by the Orange County Commissioners which the paper's editorial staff elevated to the status of "fresh news."

But, in a wave of irony, this week is not without truly fresh news. I received the following message this morning:

To all,

I'll be leaving The News of Orange County. My last day will be May 8.

Sorry for the mass email (and given the number of addresses this is being sent to, some may not receive it due to spam filters). Some of you I know personally and well, as friends and acquaintances, and still others I know as working contacts and sources. I wanted to give you all the courtesy of knowing that I will be leaving the newspaper and moving on. I thank each of you for your time, for your cooperation and for the role you played in helping me put out a successful newspaper for nearly two years.

Warmest regards and best wishes,

Casey Ferrell
The News of Orange County

I can't say I am sorry to see Casey go. Maybe now my hometown paper can begin to rebuild its credibility in the community.


Anonymous said...

Casey is just the latest of a long string of editors and reporters who have come and gone from the News of Orange County. Jim Muhlig, Andy deGrandPre, Jonathan Coleman, Lilyn Hester, Keri Springer, Patrick Winn, Sally McKenzie, and the list just goes on and on.

Some of them were good, some were great, and some were absolutely terrible. Some were fired, some moved on to bigger and better papers, and others retired.

The point is this: If the News of Orange has a reporter or editor that you think is terrible or great, just wait. The News of Orange and Womack Publishing is a stepping stone for most and a dead-end for others. They always move on. Guaranteed.

Anonymous said...

Let's stasrt slamming the new editor now!!! We don't need to know their name...just take pot shots at them in the generic way you do on this blog...

If you don't agree with my opinions (al a Alan Scott) you are a liar, cheat, idiot, and you eat puppies!!!

Allan Scott said...

And some people wonder why I reject so many of their comments. Honestly, it is for your own good.

"'Tis better to silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln

Anonymous said...

Any word if current HES students got kicked out of their school yet?

Happy Warmness said...

Alan, you're doing great work. Some people cannot handle anyone rocking the boat. Let them enjoy their sorghum fields and their poor dentistry. You raise the level of discourse, and that's something we can all use more of.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that no one picked up the fact that Casey is not leaving until May 8th, which is 2 days after the School Board's election. Don't be at all surprised when Casey "turns the screw" on the election results. Casey has no respect for Al, and he's willing to spin the truth in what ever way to support the results of the election.

Zan Womack, you should know that picking a low class editor like Casey is the same as a person buying two-day old donuts: they may be cheaper, but they are not worth the price.