Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dennis Whitling was right!

He didn't have any "intent" to answer parents' questions about his "Big Plan." And, he did just what he intended.


Well, not really nothing. He was able to justify taking another $100 from the taxpayers of Orange County for his time, and he did give "more than 100 parents" something to do on a Tuesday evening. That's something, isn't it?

As I wrote in an earlier post, "members of the Board attending the meeting hosted by the HES PTA don't plan to actually answer parents' questions."

And according to the Raleigh News & Observer, they were able to meet their goal with flying colors (if only they could actually meet the goals that count).

"The board could offer few details other than the intent to create a kindergarten-through-second-grade school on one campus and a third-through-fifth-grade school on the other."

In what was likely a much more difficult job for the reporter, the article attempts to list many of the questions Whitling could not (or would not) answer for parents. It would have probably been a much easier task had she listed the questions Dennis Whitling answered. But, then again, she did make the drive up to Hillsborough and needed to write something to justify the trip.

"Questions the board could not answer Tuesday included whether Title I funding would follow Central students in a newly constituted school, how the board would subsidize intercessions for poor families, and whether the schools would have staggered start times to enable parents to drop off and pick up students at both."

If you didn't get a chance to enjoy the show last night, don't worry, they are taking it on the road.

According to the N&O article, the Board is hosting two more question-and-evasion sessions in the next couple of weeks, but they don't know where. I guess if they are held in an undisclosed location, Dennis won't have nearly as many questions to not answer.

But, the meetings won't be for nothing - a new month means another $100 for Dennis. Cha ching!


Anonymous said...

Our school board.... how sick they are!

Did anyone honestly think they were going to answer any of our questions?

Anonymous said...

According to this page ( ) on the Orange County Schools website, the informational meetings will be held Sept 6th and 13th at 7pm.

Allan Scott said...

Jason, Thanks for pointing people to information about when the meetings will be held. I will change my post accordingly.

However, I find it quite telling that the information on meetings to discuss a merger that is supposedly not about addressing Title 1 concerns (its about SES diversity, afterall) would be placed on a page dedicated exclusively to Title 1.

A Freudian slip perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Please do not lump Al Harkopf in the group when referring to the "board". He did cast the one dissenting vote against the merger and has gone to bat for HES numerous times. We do not know all that goes behind the scenes with the board and administration as a whole. It is difficult to be the one and only dissenter.

Anonymous said...

Look at this document about "restructuring" (year 6 of missing AYP). Specifically, go to page 28 section G-9:

---------begin quote---------
If the restructuring process results in the creation of a new school, may that restructured school be treated like any other new school in the State's accountability system?

Yes, if in fact the restructured school is legitimately and legally a new school.
While most of the restructuring options outlined in section 1116(b)(8)(B) of
Title I would not result in the creation of a new school, it is possible that some restructuring options might. If, as a result of restructuring, a school is significantly reconfigured (for example, to serve different students and different grades) and accordingly meets the State’s definition of a new school, that school may be treated like any other new school in the State. Depending on the State's operational rules, this may mean starting over on the school improvement timeline.
---------end quote---------

So, merging HES and CES essentially "RESETS" the clock on AYP for both schools. If this occurs Sept next year, then central is no longer in title 1 improvement, and is no longer at risk for the additional sanctions under NCLB for TWO Years!

I wonder if this is some behind the scenes motivation?

Anonymous said...

re AL: IF he is a dissenter, it is not that difficult. It is called having a backbone.

Anonymous said...

Hold your cards folks, we have a winner!
Someone finally figured it out.

Anonymous said...

Dennis was also correct last night when he said (in his condescending manner):

Rest assured that things will change. Status quo will not continue.

You're exactly right Mr. Whitling and I'll see you at the polls.

Anonymous said...

At least Dennis was FINALLY willing to admit that last year's redistricting was a failure. I'm sure HES parents are somehow to blame for that too.

The bottom line is that redistricting got us into this mess and redistricting is the only ticket out.

Yes, HES needs to reflect the community and that can happen with a plan in place. In the mean time though, do you get the sense the it has finally occurred to the board that the merger will not work? You'll need a shoe horn to wedge any more kids into Cameron Park and Efland Cheeks yet CES/HES will be at half capacity. Can't pin that one on HES parents. We've been telling everyone everywhere that it won't work.

So what did ever happen to all of those ideas from the brainstorming session? Dennis skirted that one pretty well. Now where did those flip charts go? Better go find them! Tax payers won't like paying for more futile sessions with Andy Sachs just because you didn't want to consider any other options at the time. Oh that's right, the ideas were never even collated.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Dr. Carraway and the Pitt County Mafia. Your legacy will include the destruction of Hillsborough Elementary School. I guess the children had it coming to them.

Congratulations to Casey Farell. I know you have a big smile on your face. I don't know what you did to Ted last night, but the "browning of America" must have made you happy. Nothing like a good racial slur to get the blood running thru your veins.

Good news: only 32 more days until Dr. Carraway will "retire". Let her go back to Pitt County so she can rest.

And the chant goes...

"Hey, Hey!
Doctor Carraway,
How much @%#^ did you pull today?"

Anonymous said...

Concerning last night, there was one positive event: Liz Brown didn't say anything. Oh yeah, right, she wasn't there. I wonder where she was?

While Dennis was doing the "Texas-Two Step", Liz was out fishing, I guess. Hopefully she "actually caught" a fish while Dennis was telling us a "whopper".

So what makes us madder? Dennis telling us nothing, or Liz just not showing up? We are madder at Dennis, right now. Why? There is a famous line in a book that says "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". But let's not forget Liz, either. Her lack of caring for HES families has a lot to do with the current turmoil we are in.

Anonymous said...

I realize you all are angry, to put it mildly. But do you really think name calling, threatening, throwing accusations, insulting, etc. those who do not agree with you is productive? The comments are just getting nastier and nastier and what have you accomplished by them? Many people have stopped supporting HES parents because of the way you have conducted yourselves and that reflects poorly on the other parents who choose to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Calm down and remember what you are fighting for. Take the high road. Your children are depending on you!!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to take the high road when you are being sucker punched while blind folded.

No direct communication; a problem that changes weekly; one opportunity for dialog six months after the merger idea was brought to light (in the Daily Tarheel); no details of a plan yet they want a commitment from parents to "buy in"; no research regarding SUCCESSFUL MERGERS; collaborative learning is not reason enough to merge.

This was handled poorly from the beginning. Playing nice with this board is a waste of time. If the parents hadn't been this vocal, the merger would have been effective Monday.

What should have happened you ask? A letter home to both sets of parents from the board stating that there is a problem (define the problem in writing), research shows that xyz helps said problem, we will have a public meeting at each campus in MARCH to discuss your concerns and take questions. An email address will be developed to accept questions. Please keep questions specific and succinct. The letter could have said "Unfortunately the redistricting effort did not alleviate the imbalance our district faces." BUY IN needs to come from the BEGINNING. Try a little more public relations and a little less dictatorship. The only people that the board has over a barrel are the HES families who are districted to Central. Oops! Never mind, they just got their ticket to ride.

Anonymous said...

You play nice until they land the first blow below the belt. Forcing a flawed educational theory, knowing it will not work but not changing course because of one's arrogance represents a low blow.

Besides HES parents, who else "supports" us?

Anonymous said...

Don't be scared to voice your opinion. Unless you speak up, you won't be heard. We have a free society, where you can voice your concerns. Our concerns are the fundamental lack of leadership within the Board and Superintendent's office. We don't like being reminded that we are too white, too rich, and too elitist for Orange County. This sentiment has come from both the Board and the Super's office.

I encourage our children to stand up and do what is right. Our children need us to stand up for our beliefs. Some people will take offense by what is written on this blog. Most will know that we will not be giving a rubber stamp to the Board's inaction.

Anonymous said...

Have the parents who are upset about this merger considered banding together and taking legal action against the school system? I'm not a lawyer but there has to be something illegal, unconstitutional, discriminatory, or neglectful going on.

For instance, it sounds like there's good evidence that no research was done on the effects of the merger. In a day and age where building a shed on your own property may trigger the necessity of environmental impact reports, that seems very sketchy.

Further, what about your rights as tax payers, or the rights of others in the county? Someone mentioned this should require a county vote; that could be an avenue to explore.

Also, regarding Anonymous @ 4:00am, I'm not an HES parent and I support you on principle. I'm sure some others would too if they were aware of the issue.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see so much passion here!!

I was one of the people who was "hopeful" that we would get some answers (I refuse to ever lose hope), but not at all surprised at the continuation of this farce. I believe the meeting Tuesday was a perfect opportunity for the board to check the "met with HES parents" box in the process of covering their tracks. In their flawed thinking we are now unable to say they did not communicate with us. I beg to differ. My contention is that holding meetings AFTER a proposal has ALREADY been adopted does not allow you to check that box!!

Personally, all I have ever asked for is SOLID evidence that this merger is the best possible solution to solve the ROOT problems. More than likely they would have my backing if they could produce such evidence. I would absolutely love for EVERY child in this county to get the quality of education our children receive at HES. Can you even imagine how good that would be for our community as a whole?! If this plan is so great, WHY CAN THE BOARD NOT PROVIDE ANY SPECIFICS ABOUT IT AT THIS TIME? I was under the impression that any WELL THOUGHT OUT plan had specific details. Hmmm.

For me, this is not about personal attacks on any member of the board. This is about job perfomance and what is best for ALL children in our county. We (the voters) hired these board members (who, I might add, ran for election on their own free will) to do a job. While I appreciate they have difficult issues, I expect nothing less than their very best. I do not believe that is what we are getting. Until they can prove to me with cold, hard facts that they are acting in the best interest of all our children I will continue to believe this is all about numbers, "wiping the slate clean", and covering their tracks.

Anonymous said...


It is great to have a third party, non-biased opinion. Thanks for checking in with us and please keep your comments coming as well!

Anonymous said...

What about being fair? That is my question!
HES is to busy being worried that CES will merge and them and that they will get some FRL (free reduced lunch) and SWD (students with disabilities)... Nope, that isn't fair that you judge our children! However, it would be nice to have my child enrolled in a (almost) Private school - oh except, tax payers dollars are paying for HES..
Next subject... Schools being proficient.. CES was proficient in Reading. CES fell short (3 points to be exact) in being proficient in Math... So, what I am saying is... can good news be told about Central Elementary School, because the bad news is always being told???? Please post this...

Anonymous said...

To the 8:14 am anonymous: the HES parents are not scared to have our kids to share with FRL and SWL. We hope that any child whose parents choose HES will be accepted. I never want anyone to be discriminated based on anything but their character.

Your comment about us being a private school is incorrect. Come visit us sometime. Private schools are in much better shape than our school. Our school has mold issues, structure issues, and design issues. We just do not have too many educational issues.

As far as badmouthing CES, you should discuss this with the school board. They are the ones that are pointing at CES, eventhough Efland-Cheeks also didn't make AYP for the 2nd straight year. Your point about NCLB is right on: only takes one subgroup to fail. However, NCLB is law, even if we don't like it.

I ask you not to expect mediocrity, but instead demand respect and results from your school and the school board.